Forums - Learn-A-New-Character-In-MVC2 Show all 156 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Learn-A-New-Character-In-MVC2 ( Posted by TimeFlip on 07:13:2001 06:42 PM: Learn-A-New-Character-In-MVC2 I play with pretty much anyone in MVC2. I decided to offer some info about the characters to people who are just curious about a new character. I'm pretty good with everyone except Dhalsim, but I plan to start playing with him this weekend . But anyway, I'll try to answer any question you have about them. Posted by JsTyLe on 07:13:2001 06:58 PM: JIN! His AAA is sweet but i barely know how to play him Posted by TimeFlip on 07:13:2001 07:15 PM: quote: Originally posted by JsTyLe JIN! His AAA is sweet but i barely know how to play him Let me sort of start a guideline for these responses *ahem* Good Partners: Doom AAA Jin moves slow on point, so a good rushdown assist helps. Also note that Jin's regular attacks do chip, so basic thing to do is call Doom, then superjump and then immediately do a D+Hk. If it hits, do a D+Jp,D+Jp, Blodia Punch. Key to getting this attack up is being close to the opponent so Doom's rocks hits. Also, you'd want to do the D+Hk from as low off the ground as possible. Sent Ground Once again helps Jin Rush. Storm Proj Helps Jin rush, as well as offering a powerful DHC(Blodia PunchxxHailstorm) to kill assists. ___ As for combos, I like to stick with this one: D+Jp,D+Jp, Blodia Punch It's good at killing assists as well as the point dude. And watch out for AAA's too, since they ruin Jin's rush(duh!) Posted by prototype on 07:13:2001 07:29 PM: felicia Posted by captainsaveahoe on 07:13:2001 07:41 PM: Shuma. Posted by RogueSquadron on 07:13:2001 07:41 PM: Rogue LOL Posted by TimeFlip on 07:13:2001 07:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by prototype felicia Good Partners: Sent Ground Felicia is very rush-orientated; so you should have someone that backs her up. Cable AAA Felicia is a decent meter-builder, so someone who can use that meter is good. However, Felicia is weak against air attacks, so a good AAA should be needed. ___ Alright then, basic combo I like to poke with is: D+Sk, D+Sk, Litterbox Kick If the D+Sk's hit, you can then go into a B+Hk Rolling Buckler Super or a Hyper Litterbox Kick. The Rolling Buckler is slightly better for DHCs, though. Felicia is better on the ground though. Sometimes, doing the rolling attack and pressing kick will catch the other guy off guard, allowing you to OTG. Quite risky though. As for a super-de-duper combo, heres one that gets major props Jumping Jp,Jp,Fp/\Dash forward, D+Sk,D+Sk,B+Rk+Storm Proj, Rolling Buckler hits one time, then K, Sk, Rk/\Jp,Sk,Jp,Sk,Delta Kick As for assists, I like the Litterbox Kick better, as it has better range and keeps Felicia safe. It's also better for pressure. Posted by TimeFlip on 07:13:2001 08:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by captainsaveahoe Shuma. I've been using him/her/it heavily, so this will be a bit more detailed: Good Partners: Psy AAA Psy AAA helps him set up combos, as well as his infinite in the corner. More on this later. Storm Proj Mystic Bash(The kick super) to HailStorm is a great DHC. Storm's assist makes rush so much easier. They're both rushdown orientated, so watch out for AAA. Spiral Proj Call Spiral, Mystic StarexxMystic Bash does so much chip! Swntinel might be a good 3rd person, so Spiral/Shumi/Sent would make a good team. __ As for actually using him: Shumi is rushdown orientated, but Mystic StarexxMystic Bash is good for chip while solo Mystic Bash is a decent Assist Killer. He has an okay command throw(Devilization), but it's only good since it's bufferable. Do your best to get your opponent in the air combos. His Rk throw saps energy, so MASH THE HELL OUT OF IT!!! His Df+Rk is decent anti-air. As for his wavedash, it IS VERY LOW, so use it to dash under Cable's Hp's, Sentinel's Hp, his drones and anything at around the same height. His Crystal Smash(D+Rk in air) is good for punishing mistakes, so use that too. As for Chaos Dimension, I don't really like it. It's good for showing off, but it does too little damage considering the meter it used(AHVBx3 does more damage) Now for the combo I was talking about with Psy AAA: Jumping Sk,Sk/\D+Jp+Psy AAA,D+Jp, either Mystic Bash or Sk,Sk/\air combo. Pretty useful combo indeed. Posted by TimeFlip on 07:13:2001 08:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by RogueSquadron Rogue LOL LOLx2! But seriously: Good Partners for Rogue: Tron Gamma I've seen people who can kill in less than 10 seconds with this team . I have been a victim of this, but basically you call Tron then repeatedly do jumping D+Rk's. The key is to do the D+Rk as quickly as possible. Mixitup with a D+Jp,D+Jp, Kiss to be cheap >_<' Magneto Projectile Magneto helps with the projectile, and also offers a good DHC(Rogue's super takes them to the sky, then Tempest), at which point you can OTG if the opponent is an idiot. But watch out for AAA! ___ As for playing as Rogue, repeatedly jumping D+Rk is startlingly effective, so use that often. Kiss whenever the opponent blocks alot, and if you get speed up, all I can say for the other guy is 'Aw Shit @_@' And combo often. As for combo's basic one is D+Jp,D+Sk,D+Jp,D+Sk,Rushing PunchesxxSuper. She has two launchers, but I prefer the Rk one. And for the super-de-duper combo, here's a simple damaging one. Call Tron, Jumping D+Rk/\D+Jp,D+Sk,D+Jp,D+Sk,Rushing PunchesxxSuper Posted by Goku on 07:13:2001 08:31 PM: BH with Hulk AAA > All Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:13:2001 10:56 PM: Thanos. I've been using SJ.back d+HK as a basic stalling pattern (all whiffed). If (for some reason) blocked call assist XX Titan Crush. If connected, combo to hearts content. Good/Decent/Bad? How is the power gem glitch initiated? Is it worth using? Any non-OTG setups for Power Gem Super? (I'm using C.LK, C.LK XX Titan Crush XX Power Gem) For that matter, any fairly simple combo ending with a HC would be good. Storm is going to be on this team, and DHCs are going to be a large part of my gameplan. Recommendations for a 3rd character? Doom or Psylocke (or others)? 1 last question: Can you combo after a fully connected Space Gem Super? -DFA Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:13:2001 11:00 PM: hehe...your avatar is funny, Timeflip. I just realized what was going on there. Bad Kirby, bad! Posted by PrYdErYcE on 07:14:2001 02:31 AM: sakura Posted by Roo_Matthew on 07:14:2001 03:46 AM: Captian savahoe has my Avatar!!!!! Posted by captainsaveahoe on 07:14:2001 04:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by Roo_Matthew Captian savahoe has my Avatar!!!!! Great minds think alike Posted by visor2001 on 07:15:2001 07:02 AM: Ruby Heart Posted by Murakumo on 07:15:2001 07:48 AM: Cable... no seriously I'm finally selling out and I'm going to start using this guy seriously in my teams. I have been playing Magneto-A/Sentinel-G/Psylocke-A Today after the tourney at South Center (I left early) I was seriously thinking about revamping my team and replaceing Psylocke with Cable AAA and switching my Sentinel to A assist type instead of G (go ahead... call me crazy). To my surprise, Rattana got beaten for the final as I saw in the tourney results forum... by the same team I thought of reforming mine to. Psylocke just can't really do anything seemingly besides her assist, Cable could add a lot to my team. I don't lose much at all. My old setup was ShadyK style...'s assist... witht he new team I can do,'s rocket punch assist into the same stuff possible with Psy... does hella damage and alleviates the need for Psy since Cable AAA can lead into magneto combos. The only thing I seem to lose by taking out Psy... setup for Sentinel/s damn powerful juggles. This is what I need Timeflip, ways to go into an AC or launcher off of Cable's AAA assist... a way to combo it in to do this might be nice to... ie: if it worked to go lp,mp+cable's AAA, / \, lp,lk,mp, qcf+hp (not sure if this does in fact work). Anyways, this would be appreciated. ~Murakumo Posted by elffzero on 07:15:2001 02:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip As for combo's basic one is D+Jp,D+Sk,D+Jp,D+Sk,Rushing PunchesxxSuper. She has two launchers, but I prefer the Rk one. And for the super-de-duper combo, here's a simple damaging one. Call Tron, Jumping D+Rk/\D+Jp,D+Sk,D+Jp,D+Sk,Rushing PunchesxxSuper to make things look fancy do this combo instead.,cr.sp+A1/\ PP~d+rk,,c.sp,,c.fp /\ jp,sk,sp,fp or Kiss. or...,cr.sp,cr.fp~A1/\ jp,fp,d+rk the opponent lands on tron for 3 hits and the d+rk id properly timed crosses up but doesn't combo. meaning if it lands do the same combo again and the opponent is dead in like 2 seconds flat. it's all about rogue/sent/tron... Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 07:15:2001 05:18 PM: cyke infinites and strats w/ him i use him w/ sent and BH also Bh aircombo and uh...any other stuff u gots for me thanks! ^_^ Posted by BshidoHEAT on 07:15:2001 05:22 PM: Gief!!! Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:16:2001 07:25 AM: *clears throat* BUMP!! Thank You. quote: Thanos. I've been using SJ.back d+HK as a basic stalling pattern (all whiffed). If (for some reason) blocked call assist XX Titan Crush. If connected, combo to hearts content. Good/Decent/Bad? How is the power gem glitch initiated? Is it worth using? Any non-OTG setups for Power Gem Super? (I'm using C.LK, C.LK XX Titan Crush XX Power Gem) For that matter, any fairly simple combo ending with a HC would be good. Storm is going to be on this team, and DHCs are going to be a large part of my gameplan. Recommendations for a 3rd character? Doom or Psylocke (or others)? 1 last question: Can you combo after a fully connected Space Gem Super? -DFA Posted by C-mag on 07:16:2001 08:11 AM: nonpoint how about Magneto? Posted by Spider_Sting on 07:16:2001 08:12 AM: ok don't laugh but ... Sent, Cyke, or Doom (any of the 3) help would be appreciated.. Posted by C-mag on 07:16:2001 08:13 AM: And if any one has a cool way to rush-down with storm can you help me out? Posted by Spider_Sting on 07:16:2001 08:14 AM: Oh yea, I know how to do HSFx5, combo into MOB and SOB, and air combo ending with photon array... basic stuff just need help on the harder stuff Posted by elffzero on 07:16:2001 08:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Thanos. I've been using SJ.back d+HK as a basic stalling pattern (all whiffed). If (for some reason) blocked call assist XX Titan Crush. If connected, combo to hearts content. Good/Decent/Bad? How is the power gem glitch initiated? Is it worth using? Any non-OTG setups for Power Gem Super? (I'm using C.LK, C.LK XX Titan Crush XX Power Gem) For that matter, any fairly simple combo ending with a HC would be good. Storm is going to be on this team, and DHCs are going to be a large part of my gameplan. Recommendations for a 3rd character? Doom or Psylocke (or others)? 1 last question: Can you combo after a fully connected Space Gem Super? -DFA 1. that's the thanos pattern pretty much. try to call an assist of they block the d+hk, tron-proj. works well. basically if your opponent even flinches after they block they eat a big dose o' tron radiation. the other alternative is to call doom let youself land,run all the way up do a blocked sk,fk cancel to sj.d+hk call doom repeat. or in your case storm might work. 2. the power gem glitch is done by DHC into anything from a power gem so insanely fast that the orange ball never comes out. there is a period where it is still forming and is about the size of a coconut. a ...small coconut errr...umm anyway i can't do it consistantly enough to be a threat, if you could however.. you can store more than one powerball and you can do some mean combos, or more usefull you could just waste an assist in no time flat. speaking of which you can do that anyway, if your opponent is in the corner (with storm-proj.. they should be.) just hit the assist with gauntlet power and do two more quickly after.. they uncombo for grips of assist damage and it takes 3 plus one more hit of anything to kill an average assist. meanwhile the main char takes some decent chip. 3.non OTG setups? you can combo power off of almost anything it's quick, the basic basic basic PG combo is sk,rk xx gauntlet power, gauntlet soul. but with the,c.rk setup you can do the ever popular ,gaunlet power,gauntlet power,gaunlet soul. 4.DHC's are way cool with thanos, just stick him anywhere with a g.power,g.soul then the DHC starts over and you can get all 5 levels in one combo. much like my felecia/sonson/thanos team... and that's some evil stuff.. 5.hmmm.. a 3rd char. that's a toughee.. remember you've already got a meter hog so you can't use cable.. you could put a rushdown char on point to go with storm-proj. Mags,Sent,Rogue.. mags also works well with thanos' capture assist. or you could start storm on point and save the last slot for a good AAA Capcom,BH,SonSon..(yes sonson DHC's work well with thanos.. for example.. g.power,g.soul DHC POW! hehe..) but you probably want a quick AAA to keep rushdown off of Thanos, or lastly Doom AAA. is there anything it can't do? Posted by Spider_Sting on 07:16:2001 08:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by C-mag And if any one has a cool way to rush-down with storm can you help me out? um rush down with storm's hp cuz it aims down hit,, (might take a while cuz u'll hit sometimes) but thats a basic 4 hitter then air combo ending with lightning head butt and super lightning attack lk, mp, mk typhoon xx hail storm is great dhc into hailstorm is generally good Posted by C-mag on 07:16:2001 08:19 AM: captainsaveahoe...... cool avatar Posted by C-mag on 07:16:2001 08:21 AM: hey thanks alot spider_sting i will give it a try.... Posted by TimeFlip on 07:16:2001 03:40 PM: I'm back from my weekend binge of Front Mission 3 and MVC2, and boy am I tired BH/Hulk AAA This is new since I usually see Hulk on Dash. His AAA is okay, but it's more vertical. It's a good setup for BH infinite, however, very hard to do as the angles kind of conflict. ___ Sakura Sakura is a meter builder, but she doesn't do much damage or take damage too well. However, she is really fast. And I recommend not doing the Lvl 3 transform as it is better spent on AHVBx3. Her dash assist is good. As for partners... Doom AAA Standard rushdown AAA. Good thing to do would be to call Doom, run at them with a Shouken, let Doom's rocks hit, then jump and throw a fireball for cover. Sentinel AAA See Doom AAA ____ Ruby Heart Ruby Heart is also a meter builder, however she doesn't have a good assists. I'd recommend AAA. Mostly, rushing in with D+RkxxSublimation while calling Doom or Sent works, so use that. ______ Cable(W00T! W00T!) First things first...LEARN AHVB!!! Basically it's D,Df,D,Uf+PP aka Tiger Knee motion Also know that you can connect it 3 times by first doing the AHVB aiming Down, then AHVB aiming up, hold up, and when you're at about the same level as the other guy, do the regular HVB motion(you're in the air) and aim up. Very abusable combo. Good for killing assists too. Also know his guard break: Jumping FP as the other guy comes in, wait a bit, then AHVB. And one more thing, you can connect it from a Sk,Sk,Rk combo. That takes some practice too. As for basic patterns, calling an AAA while jumping back and FpxxLk Grenade works well. And if the other guy calls an assist, AHVB! For partners, I like to use: BH AAA Great zoning tool. It's good to keep the other guy pinned down if you're really good at it. CapCom AAA The AAA I use almost exclusively with Cable. However, it is close range, and is best used against rushdown people. And it does a helluva lot of damage, especially when you connect it like so: Sk,Sk,Rk+CapCom AAA, AHVBx3...Now that's overkill. ____ Cyke Cyc AAA is used commonly, but he can also be used to build meter. Basic thing to do is superjump, do two Hk's, then double jump and do two Hk's. Basic combo with him is Sk, Rk(one hit), Cyclone KickxxSOB As for assists he could be used for rushdown or keepaway, so Sent/BH works well with him. And sorry, I don't know about the Cyke infinite, but I think it's at I believe it's in the video called NeoAkira's 5th volume. And check out the forums! ___ Gief He's best used for his Lariat or throw assist, but Gief's game gets ruined by any sort of keepaway. If you want to play with him, use Sent though. Sent helps get Gief close, where he can(hopefully) do a LariatxxFab or just a SPD. Still, he's better used as an assist. __- Magneto Most people play Mag's with Psy AAA or Cyc AAA since they set up combos really well. And Hyper GravxxTempest is difficult to use against mashers. Basically you want to learn his Shockwave combos(basic one is D+HpxxShockwave) to use him. He's mainly a battery but can also use meter well. ____ I don't feel like doing Thanos right now so I'll come back. And I've been kicking ass with Venom so I'm going to use him at a local tournament to see how he does Posted by TimeFlip on 07:16:2001 07:15 PM: Bump. And I wanted to test something. Posted by Huma on 07:16:2001 08:01 PM: i just started playing ankaris and got most of the moves down... except for his elemental super which is murder to get off... any strats??? thanks in advance Posted by TimeFlip on 07:16:2001 09:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by Huma i just started playing ankaris and got most of the moves down... except for his elemental super which is murder to get off... any strats??? thanks in advance Damn I hate that elemental super too, but it is excellent at starting DHC's. Hard to connect though with the button pressing. As for partners, a good AAA is needed. BH AAA or CapCom AAA works well for cover when superjumping and slamming coffins. Coffins are also good for taking out assists if Anakaris is safe. As for combos...he has many difficult ones. Viscant used him with Cyc AAA for an infinite like so: D+FP+Cyc/\Sk,Sk, Pharaoh Curse, land and repeat. Another combo I've been using(more of a tick throw) is: Jp,Jp,Rk, either Fp Idle Hands(If blocked) or Fp Cobra Blow(If it hits) As for air combos, I'm not really good with them, but Sk,Sk Asp Rush works really well. Anakaris is good for building meter, but he's really hard to play with. He has a good ranged game as well as rushdown. As for his assist, I like using the coffin drop. Posted by Huma on 07:17:2001 03:51 AM: thanks alot... he seems like a character that could be really cool to play once you can get past the beggining difficulty... he is so different to everyone else... lately ive been picking up new characters and immediately have been good and getting win streaks... anakaris is something different though... anyhow. thanks again Posted by Strider12 on 07:17:2001 05:20 AM: can you help me with spiral Posted by dhalsim on 07:17:2001 06:53 AM: i have been usin sim for a long ass time now and i am good w/ him maybe some 1 knows something there w/ him i dont it would tro learn something new even though hes not a big combo guy Posted by HuStLeMaN17 on 07:17:2001 07:20 AM: How about Captain America does he have anything useful,like really usefull? Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:17:2001 08:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by Huma i just started playing ankaris and got most of the moves down... except for his elemental super which is murder to get off... The secret to getting the button presses right 100% of the time, is that you have to think of "neutral" on the joystick as one of the motions. Think of it as: HK, LP, down, neutral, LK, HP. You'll get it every time. If you meant getting it in a's possible in the corner, though really difficult. Everywhere else, it's only comboable off an assist. -DFA ...and thank you to elffzero for the hints on Thanos. Posted by elffzero on 07:17:2001 08:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by HuStLeMaN17 How about Captain America does he have anything useful,like really usefull? his dash assist sucks up projectiles and keeps on going.. he has a double jump.. and err.. hyper shield charge is completely incinvible provided you have hold of your shield. but none of that is really abusable.. but you could always try this.. call tron projectile, cartwheel to justice! may sound lame, i thought so. till my buddy hit me with it. Posted by elffzero on 07:17:2001 08:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove The secret to getting the button presses right 100% of the time, is that you have to think of "neutral" on the joystick as one of the motions. Think of it as: HK, LP, down, neutral, LK, HP. You'll get it every time. If you meant getting it in a's possible in the corner, though really difficult. Everywhere else, it's only comboable off an assist. -DFA ...and thank you to elffzero for the hints on Thanos. actually you can combo the elemental super in an aircombo. after a lp cobra blow. but good friggen luck. i saw a jap combo video with that. then otg into another ac and another super.. man i tried that forever.. but couldn't get it. if i had a nice responsive japanese joystick i bet i could get it. but mine doesn't spring into nuetral quick enough. but wraps has maad potential. and i love to play him against the big guys. you can grab them from anywhere with the mummy grab. flying sentinals don't scare me.. much. and just thank the gods that it MVC2 didn't have six buttons, if anyone remember in DS he had 3 versions of that super all with different button combos and they were much more diffucult. just wish he didn't take damage like a wuss. c'mon he's already dead, it shouldn't hurt. -DFA no prob. Thanos is fun.. Posted by Pogiii on 07:17:2001 11:30 AM: m kinda new here so, can u give me some tips for jill? something nobody really know that well? and some partners for her too i use doom and cammy with her Posted by HuStLeMaN17 on 07:17:2001 02:43 PM: quote: Originally posted by elffzero his dash assist sucks up projectiles and keeps on going.. he has a double jump.. and err.. hyper shield charge is completely incinvible provided you have hold of your shield. but none of that is really abusable.. but you could always try this.. call tron projectile, cartwheel to justice! may sound lame, i thought so. till my buddy hit me with it. That doesnt sound like such a bad idea, considerin I love to use Tronn so I'll give it a try Posted by TheMummy on 07:17:2001 03:15 PM: How about my Anakaris with Doctor Doom and Storm, any tactics with ANAKARIS with this team? Posted by TimeFlip on 07:17:2001 04:08 PM: Spiral Spiral focuses more on keepaway. Her usual partners are Sentinel, Blackheart, or Doom, but most people use Sent with her. Key thing to know is the WOS trap. Here's how it basically goes: Sent(Ground) Long-distance version: Call swords, Jump and on the way up throw 3 swords, at peak of the jump call Sent, as you're coming down throw 3 swords, and repeat. Short-range version: Call swords, dash forward Hp, Throw swords, after swords hit call sent, repeat She's mainly a meter builder, but be sure to use the metamorphosis super since it does nice damage and DHC nicely. As for hitting it, you can cancel a Ring of Swords into the activation, and grab the guy as he is coming out of blockstun. Works best if done in the air. As for guard break, the one I typically use is to do a ring of swords as the guy comes in, then land, launch, activate metamophosis(if possible) and sk, sk, grab(if you have meta) or jp,sk,jp,sk, f,d,df+p. As for assists, her projectile assist helps long range characters like Cable and Sent, but her Ground assist really helps combos for people like Mag and storm. Really up to you. ___ Sim I'm not really good with him, but I recommend a good projectile assist with him(IM or Iceman). Basically you call your assists and poke with Rk or Fp. And if you see a projectile, you can air dash over it or teleport. And Dhalsim runaway goes: Superjump up, Air Dash up, teleport, air dash up, and repeat. ___ Captain America He has a double jump so use that. His cartwheel crosses up nicely when you call an assist first. Doom or Sent work well with him. As for combos, I like to stick with Sk,Sk, Hyper Stars and Stripes, but if you can get the Jp,Jp,Fp Shield SlashxxFinal Justice consistently, use that as it's better for DHC. As for his assist, either his AAA or Dash assist works. Just depends on where your team lacks. ___ Jill Jill is really bad in this game. She's mainly rushdown, but she has no air dash flight double jump or good projectile. You really need Doom or Sent to get in close. And don't OTG! Just stick with the D+Jp,D+Jp,D+Fp to air combo. ANd call zombies whenever possible; the fire zombie works nicely. ___ Anakaris with Storm/Doom I'd recommend putting Anakaris last since Doom/Storm is so powerful. Anakaris doesn't really have a good assist to offer this team, so a good AAA like CapCom/Ken would work. Or you could DHC from an air combo from Storm or Doom into Pharaoh Illusion, however, it would probably less damage. ___ THANOS YOU FUCKERZ!!! Thanos has been explained a lot, but I recommend his dash assist since Capture gets mashedo out of. And for his combo, Jp,Jp, Power GemxxSoul Gem works fine. Posted by Huma on 07:17:2001 05:07 PM: thanks to everyone who helped out with anakaris. now i get to go see if i can get any of this stuff off!. peace out. Posted by HuStLeMaN17 on 07:17:2001 07:04 PM: Is there anyway possible that Charlie can be effective? Posted by TimeFlip on 07:17:2001 07:31 PM: Charlie is a slightly better version of Guile. I recommend him with Doom AAA more than Sent for the chip. Playing Charlie with Doom AAA Really depends on the amount of meter. Without meter, you can fire a Sonic Boom, call Doom, and jump towards the opponent and immediately do an air flash kick. Pretty safe. And if you hit, you can combo. As for with meter, you can call doom, do a Sonic BoomxxSonic Break, Dash forward combo(if it hits), or dash forward, combo a bit, and do another Sonic Break. I haven't quite found a good trap for them, but it's very possible. Work on this a lot. And for combos, stick with: D+Sk,D+Sk, Somersault Justice Jp,Jp,Fp, Sonic Break Jp,Jp,Fp, Sonic BoomxxAutoCombo Super(Forgot the name) Pick which one to use according to your team. Out of the three, the Sonic Break is the safest as the cutters leave the guy in blockstun. Cable can't AHVB after it, so it's a good way to cover your assist. And get back to me if you find a trap with Charlie/Doom. I'll be working on it too. Posted by Huma on 07:17:2001 08:11 PM: how come charlie is "better than guile"? Posted by Pogiii on 07:18:2001 11:24 AM: jill aint that bad but tnx for the jill info. so what do u suggest? what character should i use in jills place. someone not that common pls.... cammy, _______, ________ Posted by TigeR GenocidE on 07:18:2001 04:39 PM: Capcom plz. I don't know how do use him on point so could you help me out a bit. Posted by StumP on 07:22:2001 07:07 PM: cyclops sir. Posted by Orochi Setzuna on 07:22:2001 07:28 PM: Servebot. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 07:22:2001 07:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by Huma how come charlie is "better than guile"? I'm bored. I'll try to answer a few of these questions. How come charlie is "better than guile"? Him great question. Maybe Timeflip is on crack. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 07:22:2001 08:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by TigeR GenocidE Capcom plz. I don't know how do use him on point so could you help me out a bit. Use need a Sentinel gamma assist for this foo. Anyway to use capcom on point you'll have to use his fp. His Fp is a must when your in the air since it gives you incredible protection with the help of an assist. Plus it takes off a good amount of damage. Ok For Capcom his Fp is also a great standing move. It outprioritizes alot of the opponent's attacks. And does a pretty good amount of damage. Strategy for Capcom: U'll need to play defensively. There is no other way. I recommend having Bh anti-air and Sentinel gamma assist (Team Watts). Call Sentinel gamma while jumping and using the fp. This will give you protection against most attacks. But not aaa's. Don't get to reliable to this tactic since a good aaa can take both Capcom and his assist out. Also learn how to use his Rh grab. Seriously when you grab someone with this move mash like there's no tomorrow. With this move Capcom can take up to 50% of the opponent's energy if he doesn't mash back. Also if you combo and you don't connect, do not cancel into his special moves. Instead cancel into his normal fp since that gives him enough time to recover. Combos for Capcom: jp, sk, rk, captain corridor xx captain sword xx I recommend not using the captain sword though since the energy it inflicts isn't that great. And is kinda a waste of a good meter for another character. Anyway that's Capcom in a nutshell. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 07:22:2001 08:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by Pogiii jill aint that bad but tnx for the jill info. so what do u suggest? what character should i use in jills place. someone not that common pls.... cammy, _______, ________ Well if you want someone who isn't top tier you should use Rogue. I think she's explained somewhere in this thread. She's not top tier, and she has a really easy infinite. Other than that I recommend Magneto, but he's too common. Posted by TimeFlip on 07:24:2001 02:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by Aoishi2AL I'm bored. I'll try to answer a few of these questions. How come charlie is "better than guile"? Him great question. Maybe Timeflip is on crack. I don't smoke crack; only high-quality hemp... Let me start by opening up with the debate between Charlie and Guile: While Guile has a better AAA assist(although Charlie's ain't bad either), Charlie is dramatically faster. He also has a downward aimed air somersault kick good for pressure. He has a Sonic Break super which is good for chip, and easy to follow up with a wave dash. Overall, Charlie wins because of speed and ability to rush down. Waiting for response from Guile supporters... ___ Partners for Jill. I've seen someone use her with Spiral Gamma, but she's top tier. I recommend a good AAA like CapCom or Ken. And for the other assist, you should have a good assist that allows Jill to get close, like Iceman or IM. ____ Cyc Didn't I do this guy already? Superjump, RKx2, double jump, RKx2 to build meter. Jp Optic BlastxxSOB for a good counterattack. Sk,Rk,CycloneKick(2hits)xxSOB is your basic combo. ___- Servebot Make sure you have a lot of meter when you play this foo, then have a good chipping assist(Doom,Spiral). Hit the guy a few times to get them to block, call your chipping assist, then super. You'll want to have him on Gamma all the time just for his super(his assists are terrible) And try to stick to the ground, you'll avoid most attacks that way. ___ CapCom Who said you could take my fuggin' job??? On a side note, doing this combo would be better: Jp,Sk,Sk, Captain CorridorxxCaptain Sword. That way, you can end with a FP if blocked. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 07:24:2001 02:54 PM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip I don't smoke crack; only high-quality hemp... Let me start by opening up with the debate between Charlie and Guile: While Guile has a better AAA assist(although Charlie's ain't bad either), Charlie is dramatically faster. He also has a downward aimed air somersault kick good for pressure. He has a Sonic Break super which is good for chip, and easy to follow up with a wave dash. Overall, Charlie wins because of speed and ability to rush down. Waiting for response from Guile supporters... ___ CapCom Who said you could take my fuggin' job??? On a side note, doing this combo would be better: Jp,Sk,Sk, Captain CorridorxxCaptain Sword. That way, you can end with a FP if blocked. Oh well different strokes. I like Guile more because his cheap lk is fucking long. Plus the basic,, c.rh xx sonic hurricane xx is easier to pull off then an aerial rave than Charlie. Anywho personal opinion. As for Capcom yup, I forgot about that one. The mk gives him better recovery than the rk. Oh well. U got me! Posted by Sho 2 on 07:24:2001 02:59 PM: I was wondering if you could teach me how to play a decent or great Gambit. I know they took away his infinite but I was does he have any highly damaging combos. Also what assists are best for him. Thanks. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 07:24:2001 03:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by Sho 2 I was wondering if you could teach me how to play a decent or great Gambit. I know they took away his infinite but I was does he have any highly damaging combos. Also what assists are best for him. Thanks. Gambit!? Combos: Qcf+fp xx qcf+2p xx,, c.fp, superjump, jp, sk, jp, sk, fp. His best assist is projecticle since if your fast enough you might be able to get a super in (ahvb) or can otg after it with Magneto. I think you can otg not so sure. Funny thing happened to me the other day. I almost beat one of my arcades top players with an accidental team of Gambit/Doom/Sentinel. I was going to pick Bh, but that damn joystick sucks. Anyways he was using Mag/Storm/Psy. Imagine that. Strategy for team: Call Doom assist while throwing kinetic cards. Air kinetic cards. If fp kinetic card connect you know what to do. If u want to crossover use Sentinel Gamma assist since if offers good protection on his ass. If Mag tries to rush you down use his Dp+fp with his Doom assist to stop any hopes of him touching you. And that's basically it. And use his Cajun Explosion (qcb+2k qcf+2k) to punish any assists. That's basically all I do without glitches or infinites. I think Timeflip can help you more with this character. Posted by unknown shadow on 07:24:2001 05:01 PM: Learn-A-New-Character-In-MVC2 i wanna try learning dhalsim Posted by Huma on 07:24:2001 06:27 PM: quicky... rogues "easy" infinite... ?? thanks Posted by Aoishi2AL on 07:24:2001 06:39 PM: Re: Learn-A-New-Character-In-MVC2 quote: Originally posted by unknown shadow i wanna try learning dhalsim He ain't my kind of brew! Though you can go to a member called gandido. And he can probably help you. Seeing timeflip isn't here. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 07:24:2001 06:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by Huma quicky... rogues "easy" infinite... ?? thanks This is the one I know and it can only be performed if you have a speed up. C.lp, C.lp...Repeat. do it on your DC and you'll see how easy it is. Or, C.lp, Repeat...And before you get 17 hits cancel into her qcf+2p, if not you'll just dizzy the opponent after awhile and the infinite will be cancelled. Posted by Huma on 07:24:2001 06:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by Aoishi2AL This is the one I know and it can only be performed if you have a speed up. C.lp, C.lp...Repeat. do it on your DC and you'll see how easy it is. Or, C.lp, Repeat...And before you get 17 hits cancel into her qcf+2p, if not you'll just dizzy the opponent after awhile and the infinite will be cancelled. that is so... so horribly wrong... thanks alot. PS - StumP, i love the avatar... vash is scary Posted by Aoishi2AL on 07:24:2001 06:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by Aoishi2AL Or, C.lp, I screwed up big time. The motions are, c.lp, pause,, c.lp, pause, Posted by Cablescrub on 07:24:2001 07:12 PM: is tron a good meter builder. also basic combos for tron Posted by Debokin on 07:25:2001 01:03 PM: tron bone is awesome. not only can u use her to build a meter(even though shes not the best character for that) but she can trap ppl with ease. i was playing yesterday with tron, iceman, cammy and i was tearing up sentinal, blackheart, captin commando damn near flawless. my basic combo is jumpin fp,cr lk,s lp,s mp, qcf hk, hcf pp. and it seems to work great. i was wondering does anyone know trons 2nd infinite Posted by dbtrunks01 on 07:25:2001 02:40 PM: ironman aircombo advice Posted by Huma on 07:25:2001 03:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by Debokin tron bone is awesome. not only can u use her to build a meter(even though shes not the best character for that) but she can trap ppl with ease. i was playing yesterday with tron, iceman, cammy and i was tearing up sentinal, blackheart, captin commando damn near flawless. my basic combo is jumpin fp,cr lk,s lp,s mp, qcf hk, hcf pp. and it seems to work great. i was wondering does anyone know trons 2nd infinite ive seen 2 infinites for tron. the first is just her capture move, followed by a kobun launcher attack that lands on the opponent as you are starting the capture move again, etc... the other has her doing an air combo in the corner that ends with a spinning attack. then she otg's with a lk (i think) into her boulder throw over and over and over. im not sure if the light kick is still used, im not very familiar with trons moves... but she hits them off the ground with a digging claw which may be the beggining to her boulder toss. if that is the case you would only do the crouching lk the first time. Posted by TimeFlip on 07:26:2001 03:09 PM: Thanks for all the help guys. Really appreciate it. I might take the whole weekend off just to play MVC2 and Front Mission 3... Back to what Aoshi said about Guile. D.Sk,D.Sk,D.Rk,Sonic Hurricane is ROLLABLE!!!, so you're better cutting off the D.Rk. That way, you'll get guaranteed hits. And most of the time I'm not even hitting air combos with Charlie; it's either chip damage or just a simple D.Sk,D.Sk,D.Rk combo. __ About Gambit: I've played him before, and his main weakness are speed and difficulty to combo supers. But he's better as a meter builder. As for assist, Projectile is good, but if you're playing as a rushdown character, you may want to consider the Cajun Slash assist. His Jp Cajun Slash has so much fricking priority that it cancels out most attacks(not projectiles though). More on this later. As for using meter, D+RkxxRoyal Flush is rollable, so stay away from that. The meter is better saved for other characters or to cover assists with a Cajun explosion. Now for the basic combo I use: Jp,Jp,Sk,Rk, Jp Cajun Slash Very useful combo, and relatively safe. Somewhat hard to pushback AHVB, but still possible. It leaves Gambit really safe. And it's easy to bust out multiple Jp Cajun Slash in a row to aggravate and build meter. As Aoshi said, Doom is good seeing as Gambit is a rushdown character. Sentinel also works. Whatever floats your boat. __ On a side note about Rogue, I've seen someone do this against me: Kiss, Dash Forward FpxxSuper Looks very hard, but pretty sure that's the way it goes. ___ Dhalsim Not too good with this guy, but I know some stuff: Runaway is Super jump, air dash up, teleport, air dash up, teleport, air dash up... Basic thing to do is Fp+Projectile assist(IM or Iceman work best), then air dash forward and try to combo. Very hard guy to play with. ____ Tron One of my fave characters, she is very fun to play with. About that infinite, it's in the corner, you launch, do something like Jp,Fp, on the way down do a Rk, (Sk,Rk, wait a bit, throw rock, walk forward) repeat this part. Anyway there should be something about it on the main page. As for assists, I've been using some crazy ones: Cyc AAA Sets up air combos really easily. Basic thing to do is Jp,Jp+Cyc AAA. Practice the timing!!! Sabertooth Proj(For scrubs only) Really cheap chip-trap, goes like this: Dash forward, Jp,Jp, Call Saber, Sk Bonne Strike, repeat Very cheesy, but cool. As for tron's combos, stick with Jp,JpxxLunch Rush. Very easy, and good damage. Posted by Huma on 07:26:2001 03:41 PM: timeflip: to do that rogue kiss follow up... do you have to have kissed a certain person? ...namely, do you need speed up? Aoishi2AL: that rogue infinite dont work, you need to dash between each couple of hits... thus making it way harder for me... thanks anyway. Posted by AshramTI on 07:26:2001 03:42 PM: i started using cammy recently for her aaa and i ended up liking her... how would you suggest i get in there and do the damage? i know her basic air combo xx drill xx kba i also like this double jump combo: launch, lk, lp, pause lp, lp, dj. lp, lk, lp, lk, fp air throw... any better combos that are better or different... how about infinites? also, team members to use her with would be good... i was working on doing this one: cammy/aaa - mags/capture - sentinel/ground cammy builds meter and is covered by sentinel, mags can set up her ACs, get mags in(canon drill super xx shockwave works nicely) then rushdown with mags, attempt tempest combos with sent for cover and cammy for invincible aaa, lastly, get sentinel in there to turtle at the end of the match and use HSF semi-inf, and fly-down with cammy assist. any suggestions? i am more comfortable with sentinel than mags, so an alternate team which includes cammy and sent would be good too... but if you would rather have cammy and mags together, or a whole new team with cammy in it that would be fine. thanks. peace. Posted by TimeFlip on 07:26:2001 04:01 PM: Alrighty then. About Rogue. Not too sure about the follow up, but I believe I was using Cable, so I believe not. Just practice. About Cammy Cammy makes a good alternative to CapCom AAA. Basically any team with CapCom AAA can have Cammy replace him. She's a decent battery with a double jump, but she takes damage badly. She works well with Sent as she can double jump crossup, and she also has a great dive kick. You'll need to be on near 100% rushdown, so watch out for AAAs. Sent works really well with Cammy AAA, so you might want to switch the order around. Sent/Bh/Cammy makes a good team, so you might want to consider that. Otherwise, Sent/Mag/Cammy would be the best order in my opinion since it starts out strong. Posted by AshramTI on 07:26:2001 04:17 PM: sent/mags/cammy sounds good... also sent/bh/cammy is good too... i was thinking of using it... i am just not very good with BH, though i think he's damn cool (see avatar). i used to use him in streetfighter vs. marvel but he seemed better in that game. in MvC2 i can't even seem to be able to combo his launcher!!! is there a way? what is the timing for sent/bh trap ~and~ what else can i do with BH in this team besides jumping/dashing demons... combos? i know that inferno xx hod xx kba is too funny... thanks. Posted by Huma on 07:26:2001 04:42 PM: thanks timeflip.. ill see if that is within my grasp and skill level when i get a chance. PS - dont bother giving Ashram any help... he's just gonna eat my cable any how Posted by Strider12 on 07:26:2001 04:44 PM: Cap. amer. Posted by TimeFlip on 07:26:2001 04:45 PM: Let me start with Bh. He doesn't really depend on air combos, but just stick with the one hit Df+Fp to launch. It's pretty good to use after an assist. With BH, he has very quick pokes. Sk works really well. However, Bh's strength with keepaway. Crossing up works well. Calling Snet and airdashing over the guy or dashing under the guy works. As for Sent/Bh. Let me figure out D+Hp+BH(Laser hits guy), Sk Drones(BH hits guy, while drones fly), repeat. Much variation on this is possible, but be sure to HSF occasionally if you screw up. Posted by AshramTI on 07:26:2001 04:46 PM: quote: Originally posted by Huma thanks timeflip.. ill see if that is within my grasp and skill level when i get a chance. PS - dont bother giving Ashram any help... he's just gonna eat my cable any how hush child, i don't eat your cable nearly as often as you'd like... Posted by AshramTI on 07:26:2001 04:47 PM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip Let me start with Bh. He doesn't really depend on air combos, but just stick with the one hit Df+Fp to launch. It's pretty good to use after an assist. With BH, he has very quick pokes. Sk works really well. However, Bh's strength with keepaway. Crossing up works well. Calling Snet and airdashing over the guy or dashing under the guy works. As for Sent/Bh. Let me figure out D+Hp+BH(Laser hits guy), Sk Drones(BH hits guy, while drones fly), repeat. Much variation on this is possible, but be sure to HSF occasionally if you screw up. thanks. is this AHVB-able? Posted by TimeFlip on 07:26:2001 05:56 PM: I seem to have skipped one post, and I'm sorry To answer your question, IM's best air combo is: D+Jp,D+Jp,Rk/\Jp,U+Fp,U+RK, air dash UF, U+FP, U+Rk, Fly UF, U+Fp, FP unibeam. ___ About CapAmer I did this guy already. He's good in that he has a crossover dash as well as a double jump. His best jumpin is a Fp due to the range and power of it. Basic combos are: Sk,Sk,Hyper Stars and Stripes Jp,Jp,Fp Shield Slashxxany super D+jp, D+Fp/\Jp,Jp,Jp double jump, jp, sk,jp,sk,Fp Sent or Doom work well with him. He's good on either Dash or AAA, depending on your team. __ As for Sent/BH, I don't believe it's AHVB-able if it is well done. Posted by Huma on 07:26:2001 06:05 PM: Ass- ram: EVERYTHING IS AHVB-able!!! mwuhahahahahaha but you dont eat my cable cause i dont play him much fewl. you is lucky! how do people play shuma gorath? not that many do or anything... Posted by TimeFlip on 07:26:2001 06:12 PM: quote: Originally posted by Huma Ass- ram: EVERYTHING IS AHVB-able!!! mwuhahahahahaha but you dont eat my cable cause i dont play him much fewl. you is lucky! how do people play shuma gorath? not that many do or anything... Shuma Gorath: See first page I found something cool...a Jill infinite . It's corner only, and I'm not sure if the Rk is an OTG, but here it is: I don't know if the link works, but I'll try first. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 07:26:2001 06:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by Huma timeflip: to do that rogue kiss follow up... do you have to have kissed a certain person? ...namely, do you need speed up? Aoishi2AL: that rogue infinite dont work, you need to dash between each couple of hits... thus making it way harder for me... thanks anyway. Do the Power Drain throw on Cammy. Then,,repeat...It should be easy Posted by Debokin on 07:26:2001 06:28 PM: thanks guys for the help w/tron bone Posted by TimeFlip on 07:26:2001 06:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by Aoishi2AL Do the Power Drain throw on Cammy. Then,,repeat...It should be easy I think he meant the one with the Sk. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 07:26:2001 07:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip I think he meant the one with the Sk. Then he should pause. I don't know why it's so hard Posted by TimeFlip on 07:26:2001 11:04 PM: BUmp part one Posted by Huma on 07:27:2001 12:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by Aoishi2AL Then he should pause. I don't know why it's so hard uhm... when you do 2 light attacks it pushes rogue away... needing to be dashed in once more in order to continue. Posted by Huma on 07:27:2001 12:28 AM: hey timeflip. i saw you refer to shuma's infinite... is that the psylocke combo on the bottom? doesnt seem to sound "infinitey" but what do i know? thanks Posted by Blades of Fury on 07:27:2001 01:03 AM: Psylocke and Iceman. Posted by cougar351 on 07:27:2001 01:09 AM: commando Posted by Aoishi2AL on 07:27:2001 02:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by Huma uhm... when you do 2 light attacks it pushes rogue away... needing to be dashed in once more in order to continue. Hold down forward then. *Pulls a gun on his head* U should do the infinite in the corner then. Posted by Huma on 07:27:2001 05:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by Aoishi2AL Hold down forward then. *Pulls a gun on his head* U should do the infinite in the corner then. pssht. if you say so dude Posted by TimeFlip on 07:27:2001 06:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by Huma hey timeflip. i saw you refer to shuma's infinite... is that the psylocke combo on the bottom? doesnt seem to sound "infinitey" but what do i know? thanks No, that's just a cool little setup I had. The lynx to the infinite is on the first page of Strat/Tactics. ___ Commando's on page 3 but I'd like to amend something. After a blocked Jp,Sk,Sk,Fp chain, call the ninja dude for some safe chip. And Jenetty(mummy dude) is decent anti-air. CapCom can also guard break with something like: Jennety hits blocking guy, wait, dash forward with a Rk, air combo or Captain CorridorxxCaptain Sword. ___ Psy Psy is a rushdown character, so watch out for the AAAs. Best partner for her is Doom. Use her triple jump to cross up. FpxxPsy Blast works really well for pressure. Dash in with that a couple of times to aggravate. ANd for the air combo(here's where Doom Shines) D+Fp/\Jp,Sk,Jp,Sk,PsyBladexxKochou Gakure, call Doom From what I understand, you can call doom at the end of the air combo, either OTGing or chipping. Not too sure if you need to do the double jump combo to activate it though. ___ Iceman IceMan is keepaway, and I recommend BH or Sent. Basically you want to call your assist and jump and throw FP icebeams(Ground Icebeams get AHVB'ed). Just be sure to cover. In the air, D+Fp to Fp Icebeam works well to build meter. Here's a good team I just thought of: IceMan/Storm/Sent Arctic Attack Air Combo(AAAC)xxHailstorm Posted by S3nTiN3L on 07:27:2001 06:48 PM: hay timeflip uhh OK i know how to use jill but uhhh how do you do her 2X rush air super? ohh and jus to TEST Yhaa show me some ways to connect her tyrant super (at least 1 DHC,1 assit,and one on her own ohh and yes i know all of these anyways later and thanx for the info. Posted by Vonstar on 07:27:2001 07:01 PM: I WANNA LEARN OMEGARED Posted by Jaminis X on 07:27:2001 07:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip Good Partners: Sent Ground Felicia is very rush-orientated; so you should have someone that backs her up. Cable AAA Felicia is a decent meter-builder, so someone who can use that meter is good. However, Felicia is weak against air attacks, so a good AAA should be needed. ___ Alright then, basic combo I like to poke with is: D+Sk, D+Sk, Litterbox Kick If the D+Sk's hit, you can then go into a B+Hk Rolling Buckler Super or a Hyper Litterbox Kick. The Rolling Buckler is slightly better for DHCs, though. Felicia is better on the ground though. Sometimes, doing the rolling attack and pressing kick will catch the other guy off guard, allowing you to OTG. Quite risky though. As for a super-de-duper combo, heres one that gets major props Jumping Jp,Jp,Fp/\Dash forward, D+Sk,D+Sk,B+Rk+Storm Proj, Rolling Buckler hits one time, then K, Sk, Rk/\Jp,Sk,Jp,Sk,Delta Kick As for assists, I like the Litterbox Kick better, as it has better range and keeps Felicia safe. It's also better for pressure. I have a better combo for all you Felicia users out there and this combo is done in the conner. Dashing Jab, Dashing Short, Fierce, Rolling Buckler to her Help ME super. This gives you about 45-50 hits and 85 damage and the super can be repeated by using Roundhouse when they hit the ground killing the other character giving you a total of about 90 hits. Posted by Sho 2 on 07:27:2001 07:53 PM: Sign me up for Collosuss. (WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE . STUPID LEGACY VIRUS!) Posted by TimeFlip on 07:30:2001 01:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by S3nTiN3L hay timeflip uhh OK i know how to use jill but uhhh how do you do her 2X rush air super? ohh and jus to TEST Yhaa show me some ways to connect her tyrant super (at least 1 DHC,1 assit,and one on her own ohh and yes i know all of these anyways later and thanx for the info. Back in the day, someone used: Crawler AssaultxxTyrant I figure any autocombo super DHC into it should work(Weapon X, Metamorphosis) Assist...Um...I don't know, but I guess you could Jp,Jp,Fp, call Cyc Expansion, and Tyrant from that, but I'm not sure when to call Cyc. I don't play Jill too much anymore. One on her own...I'm guessing you can guard break with the bird, then dash forward with it, but you've got me here. And as for the 2x air super, you've got to be in the corner, and you do the air rush super, on the way down, you Jp, and then you jump up and jp and super. Not too sure about this though. __ Omega Red I've been using OR with Sent/Doom. He's a good keepaway/rushdown character. Basically you call your assist and omega strike. It's good at taking down assists, but remember to retract the omega strike. And you can actually cross up by calling Sent/Doom, doing a diagonal omega strike, dropping from that, and attacking. And the Omega Destroyer is good for chip and killing assists. The closer it is, the more damage it does. A good way to get maximum damage from it is to Omega Strike near the guy and cancel into a Destroyer. As for his assist, I like to use AAA, but Throw works too. You can actually set up the IM infinite from the throw if you're fast enough. __ Colossus Biggest problem with Colossus is his lack of combos. You could probably set up his air combo with a D+Jp, D+jp, call Cyc Expansion, Rk, but I never tried it(Don't have a dreamcast, so get back to me on this please). He's good at throwing, so throw often. And try not to whiff any of his moves, he has bad recovery time. His Hyper Armor combo has a large start-up time, so you may need to call an assist while you set it up(and get the assist killed), but still I recommend not using it unless the other guy is coming in(from snapback or otherwise) As for his combos(like he has some) D+Jp,D+Jp, Sk Tackle Rk/\Jp,Sk, Power Dive and cancel immediately(D+P) Rk/\Jp,Sk,Jp,Sk, SK Tackle In the corner: Rk/\Jp,Sk,Jp,Sk, Sk TacklexxPower Dive and cancel immediately(D+P) ___ If anyone wants to know what I've been doing this weekend, I've been playing with T.Bonne. I'm planning to use T.Bonne/Cable/Cyclops, except Cyclops is on Expansion. Here's a little combo everyone hates: In corner: Fp/\Jp,Jp,call Cyc, dash forward Jp,Jp,Rk Bonne StrikexxLunch RushxxHVB. Key here is to HVB when the other guy's head touches the legomen. And aim down. AND COULD SOMEONE EXPLAIN THE INFINITE!!!!! Posted by TimeFlip on 07:30:2001 11:32 PM: This has 98 posts, with this one making 99. Please, make this 100+ And don't worry about the T.Bonne infinite. Posted by Cable0002 on 07:30:2001 11:35 PM: <===== [tha 100th post] Posted by TimeFlip on 07:30:2001 11:46 PM: quote: Originally posted by Cable0002 <===== [tha 100th post] I was hoping it was a question Posted by Cable0002 on 07:30:2001 11:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip I was hoping it was a question uhh, yeah! Tron Bonne & Kobun. Posted by elffzero on 07:31:2001 02:22 AM: which T-bonne infinite are you talkting about? if youre referring to the one with the little servebot helpers, i think that infinite might be mashable, ala the thanos infinite, and tempest combos. anything involving capture moves. heck even the BH infinite is mashable on the first rep. anyway if that's the infi you want i'll post that in a bit. if you want the other ones.. well i don't know those. Posted by TimeFlip on 07:31:2001 01:10 PM: Don't worry; it's the corner one. I'll figure it out sometime. More about playing T.Bonne: T.Bonne's basic combo is J.Fp/\Jp,JpxxLunch Rush. Replace the lunch rush with a Bonne Strike if you have no meter. You want to cross-up often since her Fp is good at that. Her Bonne Strike does good chip, but it has less lag in the air, so you'd want to learn how to ABS(Air Bonne Strike). Basically it's D,Df,F,Uf+K. And Jp,Jp is a good ground chain; I've knocked Juggernaut's Dash assist a few times. Her Rk is a decent projectile; use it. And use the Kobun Launcher to guard break and for cover. If you want a really good combo check fourth page. I think I did Kobun already on the 2nd or 3rd page. Don't remember Posted by PrYdErYcE on 07:31:2001 10:01 PM: could you help me w/ morrigan and/or bulleta (bb hood) thanx in advance Posted by TimeFlip on 07:31:2001 10:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by PrYdErYcE could you help me w/ morrigan and/or bulleta (bb hood) thanx in advance Umm...I pick Morrigan. Her AAA is good so use that. She has a good air dash, but you'll want to throw air Soul Fists and dash after them. You'll also want to find a good assist that allows her to connect the darkness illusion super. Cyclops AAA works for that. Learn her infinites. I don't know all of them, but there's links on the first page. Soul Eraser is a good beam attack, however, it has bad lag and no chip. Posted by PrYdErYcE on 08:02:2001 12:23 AM: do you knoe any combos that end in any of her supers??? how do you connect her darkness illusion from cykes aaa??? thanx again Posted by The Deserted Chateau on 08:02:2001 05:54 AM: Morrigan's HCs are difficult to connect outside assists, except silhouette blade. The problem is that silhouette blade doesn't inflict impactful damage. * lp, lp, dp + pp [ silhouette blade ] * d, df, f + p [ soul fist ], d, df, f + pp [ soul eraser ] * d, df, f + p [ soul fist ], d, df, f + kk [ darkness illusion ] With Cyclops AAA, wait for Cyclops to come out and work his magic. Jump [ while the AAA is doing damage ] and then do darkness illusion [ make sure you are at an appropriate level and distance ]. I'm not sure about that, TimeFlip should be able to clarify that. Posted by TimeFlip on 08:02:2001 11:36 AM: Darkness Illusioning off of Cyc AAA works the way TDC said. Basically the Darkness Illusion will attack the enemy while Cyc hits them. You could probably connect Cyc AAA with a ground combo ending with a Rk, but you'll have to find the timing. I won't be going to the arcade for a while Posted by AshramTI on 08:02:2001 05:02 PM: has there been a felicia post here yet? if not can i have advanced combos/infinites/tactics. i already know her basic otg combos and lp, lk, hp, super and lp, lk, back hk, super. how about something flashier? also, can she otg after any of her ground or air throws? also maybe some team help? i like using felicia gro/sent gro/cammy aaa cuz they all have evil dark colors and are fun, but i know this isn't the best combination . just sent and his bitches! Posted by PrYdErYcE on 08:02:2001 08:42 PM: thanx for the help timeflip and TDC do you have any strats w/ bbhood... i've been trying to play w/ her... if you could help thanx... Posted by qUiCkStRiKe on 08:03:2001 04:36 AM: ken. strats with ken in my team its doom,storm,ken. thanx Posted by tpdxmvc2 on 08:03:2001 06:25 AM: Need Help With CABLE(AAA) STORM(PROJECTILE) ans COMMANDO(AAA) Perhaps something slightly advanced/damaging(If u have anything)if not basic is fine. Posted by TimeFlip on 08:03:2001 01:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by AshramTI has there been a felicia post here yet? if not can i have advanced combos/infinites/tactics. i already know her basic otg combos and lp, lk, hp, super and lp, lk, back hk, super. how about something flashier? also, can she otg after any of her ground or air throws? also maybe some team help? i like using felicia gro/sent gro/cammy aaa cuz they all have evil dark colors and are fun, but i know this isn't the best combination . just sent and his bitches! I think it's on page 2 or 3, sorry I forgot. But to add new stuff: Sand Splash Super is good as an immediate counter attack(counter Icebeams and such) and to kill grounded assists(not the airborne kind). Don't OTG with her even though it's fun because rolling stops it. She can probably OTG after a ground throw in the corner, not too sure. Try rolling in with a slide kick while calling Doom __ BBHood: Put Hulk and Jugg on your team, then when you have three meters, THC Seriously, she has so little range, I think she would be better played as a keepaway character. Sent can back her up while throwing out missiles, and a good AAA will help keepaway. Keep in mind that she has a double jump, and she can drop RK mines for cover in the air or ground. And she also has a flame attack that does decent chip. Ideal team is: BB/Sent/AAA Try that team. ___ Ken Ken is mostly used for his AAA, but he can somewhat be effective on point. He could use a good long-range assist(Doom AAA/Storm Proj) to help get in. Basically keep jumping in with a Rk Hurricane Kick while calling out your assist. If you hit, launch into a jp,Rk hurricane kick. Try not to use any of his supers unless you need to DHC out. Basic combo with a super is D+Sk,D+Sk, ShoryuReppa. ANd Shoryureppa is also a good, fast counter attack. It has about a 1-frame start-up. ___ Storm/Cable/Commando Back to team rating... I put the team in this order so Storm can rushdown to build meter for Cable. Learn how to triangle jump(jump then air dash DF) to improve rushdown. Also learn how to AHVB with Cable. AHVB=D,Df,F,Uf+PP. You can do that on assists. To repeat AHVB, first aim down, then aim up, then normal jump and aim up. Posted by TimeFlip on 08:03:2001 07:07 PM: Bump Posted by tpdxmvc2 on 08:03:2001 10:17 PM: OK thanx for the advice!! But Perhaps I shoulda made myself alittle clearer. I can already AHVB with cable(actually at this point Cable is my best character)i Can sk,sk,RKxxAHVB guard break etc. Anyway what I meant earlier is I need more help with advanced storm/commando combos DHC's etc. Thanks in advance and sorry about the misunderstanding(timeflip) Posted by TimeFlip on 08:03:2001 10:39 PM: I saw this really cool combo with Storm/CapCom: Jp,Sk,Sk,Rk(Call CapCom and do a hail storm, then as soon hail storm ends, do a lightning storm) First time I saw that I was pretty shocked. Key with that combo is to not do the LStorm too early, since you may DHC into Cable. Very Damaging combo. Storm...Triangle Jump, I explained that already. And keepaway is good too: Superjump, hold up and Fp, Air dash up, Fp some more, Lightning attack up, Fp, more, then throw a few vertical typhoons. And LAttackxxLstorm is a good, fast counter attack. To DHC: AirComboed Lightning StormxxHVB(Aim up) AHVBxxCaptain Storm Captain Storm/Captain StormxxHail Storm And if you want to learn CapCom, page 2 or 3 has some good info. Very good information given by Aoshi and I. Posted by StumP on 08:03:2001 10:41 PM: how about rougue? (i don't know if it's been asked but i'm too much of a lazy fuck to check each page) Posted by TimeFlip on 08:03:2001 11:02 PM: Page 1 for rogue Posted by DeathFromAbove on 08:04:2001 09:08 AM: About Shuma... Once mystic stare hits, if you switch out, do the eyeballs just disappear, or do they detonate, allowing you a free switch-in? If using Shuma-A (eyeballs assist), and you use a counter to bring Shuma in, does he do the non-sticking assist eyeballs, or the sticking normal eyeballs? I don't have a DC, save me some money? -DFA Posted by TimeFlip on 08:04:2001 01:15 PM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove About Shuma... Once mystic stare hits, if you switch out, do the eyeballs just disappear, or do they detonate, allowing you a free switch-in? If using Shuma-A (eyeballs assist), and you use a counter to bring Shuma in, does he do the non-sticking assist eyeballs, or the sticking normal eyeballs? I don't have a DC, save me some money? -DFA I know for a fact that the eyeball assist will not stick. However, I'm not sure about the safe tag. Have to go to the arcade today IF ANYBODY KNOWS, THEN ANSWER !!! Posted by The Deserted Chateau on 08:04:2001 01:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove About Shuma... Once mystic stare hits, if you switch out, do the eyeballs just disappear, or do they detonate, allowing you a free switch-in? I'm sure that the adhesive eye balls [ as a result of mystic stare ] detonate if Shuma Gorath switches. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 08:04:2001 09:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Deserted Chateau I'm sure that the adhesive eye balls [ as a result of mystic stare ] detonate if Shuma Gorath switches. Thanx. quote: Originally posted by Timeflip I know for a fact that the eyeball assist will not stick. Right, I know the assist doesn't stick, but what if you use it as an alpha-counter. Like, say Iron Man is the point character, and I cleanly block a hit and counter (B,DB,D + A1) Shuma in, so that the eyeballs hit the opponent. Do the eyeballs stick, or are they just the exploding ones? -DFA Posted by TimeFlip on 08:05:2001 12:31 AM: See, everytime I would Alpha Counter into Mystic Stare, I would cancel into a Mystic Bash. And i've been using expansion assist as I think it's much better. TDC, could use some help here Posted by columbo on 08:05:2001 02:18 AM: I'm having some problems in MVC2 My main team is B.B. Hood, Cammy, Chun-Li But I'm looking for a much better team involving B.B Hood, any suggestions? Also does anyone have any good set-up's/strat's for B.B. Hood? Posted by TimeFlip on 08:05:2001 02:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by columbo I'm having some problems in MVC2 My main team is B.B. Hood, Cammy, Chun-Li But I'm looking for a much better team involving B.B Hood, any suggestions? Also does anyone have any good set-up's/strat's for B.B. Hood? BBHood/Juggs/Hulk: Build three members, then THC...all you need Seriously, I was just playing someone who used BBHood today. He used this combo a lot: Jp,Sk,Jp, Basket HitxxCool Hunting Pretty basic, but quite damaging. So you'll want a good aid for BBHood's lack of range. I strongly suggest Sent, but any good Projectile(IceM/IM) should work. Dash in often, and don't forget she has a double jump. Try to stick with ground combos though, unless you're good at her double jump air combo. Her launcher has worse range than cable's, so avoid that if possible. Her Flaming Champagne does good chip, and is a nice ender to a ground combo. You can also play keepaway with her, with missiles and stuff. You'll want to mix that up with rushdown though. And for assists, I think Projectile is the best. So your ideal team would be: BB(Proj)/Sent(Ground)/Cammy AAA Try this team out. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 08:05:2001 03:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip See, everytime I would Alpha Counter into Mystic Stare, I would cancel into a Mystic Bash. And i've been using expansion assist as I think it's much better. TDC, could use some help here Here's why I wanna know: If the Alpha-countered eyeballs are the sticky variety, then I can counter for Shuma, then immediately switch back to my original point character, and be assured of a hit on the switch-in. So the opponent goes into spin/dizzy, and I get free combo of choice, just for blocking an attack and cleanly countering. That would be nice with Iron Man, Magneto, etc. But unfortunately, I'm stuck right now and can't get to an arcade to test this out, as I don't have a DC. -DFA Posted by tpdxmvc2 on 08:05:2001 04:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by columbo I'm having some problems in MVC2 My main team is B.B. Hood, Cammy, Chun-Li But I'm looking for a much better team involving B.B Hood, any suggestions? Also does anyone have any good set-up's/strat's for B.B. Hood? A really good/cheesy team w/ BBHood is: Rogue(throw)/juggernaut(dash)/BBHood(projectile) Just start out with Juggernaut at the beginning of the round assit with BBhood(Projectile) Immediatly power up (dragon punch motion f,d,df PP) wait for assist to finish switch out to rogue or BBhood while still powered up(power up glitch) Build meter to level 3 combo in a THC (rogue:lp,lk,lp,lk xx A-1+A-2; BBHOOD:lp,lp xx A-1+A-2; Juggernaut:lp,lp xx A-1+A-2) there are other ways but i find this most easy BAM!!!!! easily 85-95% health knocked off (TRY THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK AGAINST PPL WHO GET PISSED OVER INFINETES/GLITCHES) Posted by The Deserted Chateau on 08:05:2001 04:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Right, I know the assist doesn't stick, but what if you use it as an alpha-counter. Like, say Iron Man is the point character, and I cleanly block a hit and counter (B,DB,D + A1) Shuma in, so that the eyeballs hit the opponent. Do the eyeballs stick, or are they just the exploding ones? I've tested it out and alpha countering into Shuma Gorath's mystic stare results in adhesive eye balls [ same as when Shuma Gorath does mystic stare on point ]. If you switch Shuma Gorath out, the eye balls will explode leaving the opponent open for a small amount of time. I find that the more eye balls that stick [ onto the opponent ] from alpha countering, the more chance you can switch in for free [ opponent not having enough time to block as a result of many detonations ] and do a combo as you suggested. Posted by columbo on 08:05:2001 05:41 AM: Thanks Timeflip, I suck ass with Sent tho, but I've switched teams. How does this team sound Kobun/B.B. Hood/Rogue? I can do B.B Hood's double jump air combo about 80% of the time, so there's no problem there. Yea my ground game with Hood is a little weak though, so I gotta work on that. I'm really good with that team I listed above, Rogue for rushdown while Hood can mix it up when needed, and Kobun games mainly. Any suggestions ? Posted by Ryo Hazuki on 08:05:2001 09:28 AM: i'd like some suggestions i play Mags/Cable/Akuma.....could you give me some strats or hell, even someone to replace akuma? and i have a prob with mags' combo....i do the jump in lp c lp c fp sj lp lk lp lk magnetic thing xx magnetic tempest, no doubt you know what i mean....however most of the time when i try to use the magnet things to grab the opponent in midair and in turn link to the shockwave, i end up hitting fk as my air combo finisher.....any suggestions to nullify that and always grab them with the magnets? thanks. Posted by PrYdErYcE on 08:05:2001 09:45 PM: i need more help again my team is sakura/morrigan/cyclops what assists should i use for them? and what could i do that makes this team work okay i'm not takling about replacing them but combos leading into supers and a dhc Posted by TimeFlip on 08:06:2001 03:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by columbo Thanks Timeflip, I suck ass with Sent tho, but I've switched teams. How does this team sound Kobun/B.B. Hood/Rogue? I can do B.B Hood's double jump air combo about 80% of the time, so there's no problem there. Yea my ground game with Hood is a little weak though, so I gotta work on that. I'm really good with that team I listed above, Rogue for rushdown while Hood can mix it up when needed, and Kobun games mainly. Any suggestions ? What the hell??? KOBUN!!!! Kick him out...IMMEDIATELY!!! Rogue(Throw)/BB(Proj)/AAA or Tron(Proj) With that said, Rogue would be better first, with BBHood 2nd. I find Rogue works well with Tron(Proj), but you could also have the 3rd assist be an AAA. Rogue is very easy to play rushdown with, just jump(airdash forward if necessary), and D+Hk. And try to get speed-up through kissing; it makes her rushdown HELL!!! And you can tick a Kiss from a D+jp,D+jp, kiss. BBHood DHC's well from rogue, but I recommend Rogue's Kiss super(don't have it launch)xxBeautiful Memory. As for playing BB on point, you'd want to rushdown more, and occasionally pop out Rogue so she can kiss and you can super. ___ Mags(Projectile)/Cable(AAA)/Akuma(Exp) You could always replace Akuma with Cyc(AAA), it helps both Mags and Cable. But Mags is fun to play with Akuma Exp. Try this combo: D+Sk+Akuma,D+Sk After the 2nd D+Sk, Akuma will continually hit them. You can either launch then, or D+Sk,D+Hk, Hyper Grav(Haven't tried that though) Just rushdown with Mags alot. As for your problem with the Hyper Grav, you could try holding forward as you do the air combo, and motion the Hyper Grav as you're finishing it. Cable...Learn AHVB, Learn Variable CounterxxAHVB, and that's really all. Mag's doesn't flow easily into Cable, but you could always Variable Counter(AHVB if you can). ____ Sak(Dash)/Morg(AAA)/Cyc(AAA) Sak... Rushdown is the key. Combos like: Jp,Jp, Jp ShouoKenxxShinku Hadouken D+Sk,D+Fp/\Jp,Sk,Sk Hurricane Kick, Jp, Jp Shouoken DHC by: Shinkuu HadoukenxxSoul Eraser. Morrigan: Jp, Fp, Soul FistxxAny Super(preferably Soul Eraser) Jp,Jp,Rk(Call Cyc), jump and Darkness Illusion Cyc: Sk,Rk,Cyclone KickxxSOB Posted by PrYdErYcE on 08:06:2001 07:48 PM: thanx again... i have a question about sakura... which is the best super to cancel into from the shouoken??? because i can easily do the first combo you listed but i dont knoe which super is better to cancel into... Posted by TimeFlip on 08:07:2001 12:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by PrYdErYcE thanx again... i have a question about sakura... which is the best super to cancel into from the shouoken??? because i can easily do the first combo you listed but i dont knoe which super is better to cancel into... The Fireball super works from anywhere, her hurricane kick super works in the corner, and the only combo I've seen with the autocombo super involves her shouoken. Haven't tried cancelling it from the shouoken(though I think they cancel too slow) Posted by PrYdErYcE on 08:07:2001 03:11 AM: so which is the best super to use??? after doing the haru ichiban... as i fall i can keep on attacking and start the combo all over again which makes me favor the haru ichiban... but which super does the most damage??? i knoe for dhc... the shinkuu hadouken is the best for starting because i can go shinkuu hadouken xx soul eraser for a lot of damage so what do you think??? thanx again... Posted by jballa1 on 08:07:2001 05:15 PM: I want 2 learn magneto i have try 2 do the famous HyperGrav 2 tempest i do the motion HCB kick but the when i do tempest they end up blocking can u tell me how 2 successfully do the air combo. Also some good partners. Posted by jballa1 on 08:07:2001 05:42 PM: i already wrote about magneto but now can u help wit iron man and his air dash air combos and anything else. Posted by TimeFlip on 08:07:2001 07:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by PrYdErYcE so which is the best super to use??? after doing the haru ichiban... as i fall i can keep on attacking and start the combo all over again which makes me favor the haru ichiban... but which super does the most damage??? i knoe for dhc... the shinkuu hadouken is the best for starting because i can go shinkuu hadouken xx soul eraser for a lot of damage so what do you think??? thanx again... As for Sakura: Haru Ichuban(Hope this is the hurricane kick), use that if you don't plan on DHC'ing out. However, use the ShinkuHadouken if you want to DHC out. __ Magneto: Most people don't use HyperGravxxTempest anymore, as it gets mashed out. However, when you do use it, you pause about a half second between the grav and tempest. For partners, Psy works, as well as any other immediate AAA(NOT bh!!!). As for combos, here's the HyperGrav one: D+Fp/\Jp,Sk,Jp,Sk,HyperGravxxTempest. But, you're better off sticking to this one(not too effective in the corner though). D+FpxxShockwave. Once you get better with Mag's though, you can get fancy with Psy AAA like so: J.Rk/\D.Sk+Psy,D.Sk,(Psy hits here),D+Sk,D+Rk,Hyper Grav, Air combo Key here is that the hit after the Psy AAA does NOT otg, so that the guy gets mini launched. Instead of the Hyper Grav, you can also shockwave. Once you're confident in your Mag skills, you can try this one: D+fp/\Rk, Dash Df, Sk(pause), Sk(Land), Jumping Sk+Psy, Tempest Very hard IM: Infinite: Jumping Jp,Sk,Jp,U+Fp(land here) You can set it up from Psy AAA. And for his best air combo: Rk/\Jp,U+Fp,U+Rk(Air Dash UF), U+Fp,U+Rk(Fly UF), U+Fp, Fierce Unibeam. If that's too hard, you can try: Rk/\Jp,Sk,Jp,Sk(Air Dash forward), Jp,Jp,U+Fp,U+Rk(Fly Uf), Jp,Jp,U+Fp, Fp Unibeam. Posted by PrYdErYcE on 08:07:2001 08:20 PM: thanx again now i have a question about morrigan... couldn't you also use psylockes aaa to connect the darkness illusion... because i'm having a tough time getting the timing right from cykes gene splice... Posted by RogueSquadron on 08:07:2001 08:40 PM: Hey Timeflip do you know of any Rogue experts on Shoryuken. I need some serious help.I know you helped me out in the beginning of the thread but now I need some expert advice. Posted by jballa1 on 08:08:2001 01:06 AM: Can u help me with Tronne Bone just send anything about her. Posted by SSJ2Gohan on 08:08:2001 01:34 AM: I want to learn how to play Cammy. Posted by TimeFlip on 08:09:2001 05:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by RogueSquadron Hey Timeflip do you know of any Rogue experts on Shoryuken. I need some serious help.I know you helped me out in the beginning of the thread but now I need some expert advice. Now you're saying I'm NOT an expert!?! You could at least asked the question. No I don't. I'm guessing you could ask Aoshi2AL though. __ About connecting the Darkness Illusion from Psy AAA. Never tried. You could try a Tiger Knee DK Illusion(D,Df,F,Uf+KK) __ Tron Bonne... A really large post I did. ___ Cammy Launch with D+Fp, not Rk. Don't do the double jump air combo, as it is affected by damage scaling. Dash a lot and backup with Sent Ground or Doom AAA. Her KBA is not that good for DHC out, so you're better off Jp,Jp,FpxxCannon Drill Superxxyour super. Really that's it. And check out for the more basic stuff. Posted by rocketpunch on 08:09:2001 05:54 PM: capcom or cyclops Posted by RogueSquadron on 08:09:2001 05:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip Now you're saying I'm NOT an expert!?! You could at least asked the question. No I don't. I'm guessing you could ask Aoshi2AL though. __ About connecting the Darkness Illusion from Psy AAA. Never tried. You could try a Tiger Knee DK Illusion(D,Df,F,Uf+KK) __ Tron Bonne... A really large post I did. ___ Cammy Launch with D+Fp, not Rk. Don't do the double jump air combo, as it is affected by damage scaling. Dash a lot and backup with Sent Ground or Doom AAA. Her KBA is not that good for DHC out, so you're better off Jp,Jp,FpxxCannon Drill Superxxyour super. Really that's it. And check out for the more basic stuff. Hey I didn't mean any harm but okay my question what are some good partners for Rogue? Posted by TimeFlip on 08:09:2001 09:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by RogueSquadron Hey I didn't mean any harm but okay my question what are some good partners for Rogue? No Harm Taken. For Rogue, T.Bonne(Projectile) works really well. I said that on the first page. Storm also works really well in terms of DHC and assist ability. A good AAA also helps. I recommend Ken/Cammy/CapCom(I'm calling that the AAA trinity from now on.) CapCom is on page 3 or 2 or 4, most likely 2, but I don't know. Pretty much covered everything about him. Cyclops can build meter by superjumping Hkx2, double jump Hkx2. Do it when you have free time. Jump in often with a D+Hk, it's like Cable's Hk(they're related ). Fp works if you get bored and want to hit some assists, it's good, but don't get countered by being predictable. Jp Optic BlastxxSOB is a good, immediate, long-range counter. And for his basic combo, it's Sk,Rk(2hits),CycloneKick(2hits)xxSOB That's pretty much it. Posted by AshramTI on 08:10:2001 01:03 AM: dhalsim? Posted by o0ninja0o on 08:10:2001 01:16 AM: juggy (juggernaut) Posted by TimeFlip on 08:10:2001 01:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by AshramTI dhalsim? I'm not good with him I recommending searching for "The Dhalsim Project" in the search engine. I'm only a novice compared to the stuff they talk about there. ___ Juggs Glitch him if possible. Basically you do the powerup move, then tag him out. As for playing him on point, I recommend Doom AAA for him. Basically you just keep jumping at them with Fp, and call Doom for backup. If they try to attack, headcrush. You can also throw them into Doom for some damage. And use his Jp often, that's a safe way to set up combos. For combos, you can go Jp,Jp,(JuggPunch or HeadCrush). Pick one. Posted by TimeFlip on 08:10:2001 06:53 PM: bump Posted by ShadowHawk on 08:15:2001 05:10 AM: BH Posted by ShadowHawk on 08:15:2001 05:19 AM: how do u glitch with jugg do u tag like DHC tag or like the 2 buttens Posted by TimeFlip on 08:16:2001 05:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by ShadowHawk how do u glitch with jugg do u tag like DHC tag or like the 2 buttens Basically you do the power up, and then press Lp+Lk, or Hp+Hk. I've heard you can actually activate it by headcrushing, then DHC out before Juggs hits the opponent. Worth a try. And for BH, you can play him with CapCom or any other good AAA, but you should try him with Juggs(Dash). Check out the Tran vs. Irby at Srkmedia. Basic combo with him is D+Sk+Assist, D+Sk, InfernoxxHOD. Assists that have proven to work are Cable AAA, Cyc AAA, Juggs Dash. You could also set up his infinite with the above combo and Cyc AAA. His infinite goes, Superjumping Hk, backdash Hk, land and repeat. Just practice the timing. As for playing him on point, his focus is on keepaway, so the basic way to play that is to superjump, throw RK demons, dash back, then throw more. And do use his Fp demons, they are a good confusionary tactic. They follow BH, so throw them out, then runaround the screen. Posted by PikaPuff on 08:16:2001 08:57 PM: note about sakura, you can combo haru ichiban during the qcf+p anywhere on screen, not just corner, but you have to do it early, like before qcf+p is 3/4ths done. lp,hp, qcf+pp combos, if you realll ywanna do that autocombo. in the corner, after doing qcf+pp. qcb+pp, as they land, some idiots fall for another late qcb+pp, because they try to attack you as they land... even if you wiff it, you recover before they land. when dhc'ing qcb+pp, do it a second after it comes out, and all 9-10 hits will still pop out. as for tron... in the corner, air drill into hp throw is a good guard break. into a non-rollable d+lk, d+hp.... or go straight into the qcf+pp super right after a throw... not in corner, do a regular hp for guard break... but even though i still do the air drill no matter where i am... seems safer. a connected ground drill.. the opponent can sometimes recover before you do ~_~; i don't get that.. a drill into lunch rush only combos in the corner and only when timed right. 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